
Activation Package

* Package Amount : 100 Rs.
* Package Amount : 500 Rs.
* Package Amount : 1000 to 100000

Direct Business Incentive

* You will get 10% income of your every direct Income.

Distributor Incentive

S.No. Downline BV Percantage
0 Self investment 1 %
1 30,000 to 3,00,000 1.2 %
2 3,50,000 to 7,00,000 1.5 %
3 7,50,000 to 15,00,000 1.8 %
4 16,00,000 to 30,00,000 2 %
5 31,00,000 to 50,00,000 2.2%
6 50,00,000 to 1,00,00,000 2.5 %

Repurchase Level Income

S.No. Level No. Percantage
1 Level 1 5 %
2 Level 2 3 %
3 Level 3 2 %
4 Level 4 2 %
5 Level 5 1 %
6 Level 6 1 %
7 Level 7 1 %
8 Level 8 1 %
9 Level 9 1 %
10 Level 10 1 %
11 Level 11 0.5 %
12 Level 12 0.5 %
13 Level 13 0.5 %
14 Level 14 0.5 %
15 Level 15 0.5 %
16 Level 16 0.5 %
17 Level 17 0.5 %
18 Level 18 0.5 %
19 Level 19 0.5 %
20 Level 20 0.5 %

Royalty Bonus

* When you Earn 1,00,000 Income then after you are elligible for Royalty you will get daily 0.75% Company Turn Over Income.
* When you Earn 3,00,000 Income then after you are elligible for Royalty you will get daily 0.5% Company Turn Over Income.
* When you Earn 5,00,000 Income then after you are elligible for Royalty you will get daily 0.25% Company Turn Over Income.

Payout Cycle

1. 1 ID with 1 Pan card & 1 Mobile number
2. Minimum withdrawal Rs. 250/-
3. Admin & Processing fees - 10%
4. Daily Withdrawal.
5. After 300% withdrawal ID top-up compulsory.
6. Marketing Expense incentive will not generate if the ID is under upgrade.
7. Every day closing, Every day payout.